Effective Natural Remedies for Skin Psoriasis
Having a rash, hives or anything similar on your skin can be very annoying. Numerous times these are temporary and can be treated fairly easily and quickly. However, if you have psoriasis, it can be a very difficult, painful and humiliating skin issue. People with psoriasis frequently times feel uncomfortable in shorts or short-sleeved clothes.

There are several factors involved with the cause of psoriasis, and may be difficult to pinpoint the cause. Frequently times it can be hereditary. Other times it might be from an allergen or food intolerance to something ingested or even touching, like detergent or soap. Seasonal changes, injury to the skin and various infections can also trigger psoriasis.

If you are able to narrow down a cause, then that may help to control the psoriasis, but if you can not then you may want to consider some of these natural remedies for treating psoriasis. For some it may be necessary to see a doctor for confirmation of the skin issue. Dermatitis and eczema can be just like psoriasis, but they are all three different issues. Once you know it is psoriasis it might be helpful to try these natural remedies.

Numerous sufferers have had success using different important oils to treat their red, scaly rash. Geranium, Lavender and Melaleuca are all three very useful in this respect. You can mix several drops of each oil to about a tablespoon of a carrier oil and then apply that to the areas of psoriasis. A few drops of Lavender can also be added to bath water for added benefit.

One of the best things for psoriasis according to medical professionals is direct sunlight. It would be wise to put sunscreen on the areas of your skin that are not affected with the rash, and then get out in the sun for 15-20 minutes. The sunlight seems to help heal the patches of damaged skin.

Others have success with things like Epsom salt baths or even seawater baths. After the bath it is good to apply olive oil, vitamin E or a natural ointment or lotion containing aloe vera or petroleum jelly products. Still other people have used mud baths or packs over the affected areas with relief. One seemingly peculiar treatment is applying cleaned and deveined cabbage leaves as a compress over the sores.

There are supplements and vitamins that might be advantageous as well. Vitamin E taken daily can help the skin to stay healthy. A dose everyday of 200-800 international units may prove helpful and relieve some itching. Also, taking six to nine Lecithin capsules in a day can help heal the psoriasis.

Some doctors have suggested using plastic wrap or tape over a small area of psoriasis overnight. First you will need to apply a moisturizer and then cover overnight. It is also important to try to keep the air in your home moist and not too dry, so using a humidifier with dry weather may help.

As with any skin issue, keep an eye out for signs of infection. It is essential to treat any suspected infection quickly as it can turn harmful quickly. Psoriasis can be very problematic, but hopefully with these or other treatments it can be controlled.

If you have psoriasis, it can be a very difficult, painful and humiliating skin issue. People with psoriasis frequently times feel uncomfortable in shorts or short-sleeved clothes.

Seasonal changes, injury to the skin and various infections can also trigger psoriasis.

If you are able to narrow down a cause, then that may help to control the psoriasis, but if you can not then you may want to consider some of these natural remedies for treating psoriasis. Dermatitis and eczema can be similar to psoriasis, but they are all three different issues.
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Tony Adams

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